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Season 15/Episode 12 - Girlfriend in a Coma

Garrett Boland

Distraught Garrett Boland (DaJuan Johnson) agonizes over the fate of his comatose girlfriend. They had plans for a future together. Plans for a wedding under the stars. Now she is in a coma. Joyously, miraculously, Natasha awakens and Garrett cannot contain his happiness. But as kind as fate can be, it can also be unkind. With his fiancée on a ventilator, Garrett endures the mental and emotional strain of watching her take two steps toward progress and taking two steps back. It is an emotional pendulum with swings of highs and lows until the couple decides, through their tears, that living like this is not living. Removing the ventilator means they will only have a short while together. But before they take that step, Garrett arranges to give the love of his life her wedding under the stars.

Still from Grey’s Anatomy, Garrett Boland, Girlfriend in a Coma

Still from Grey’s Anatomy, Garrett Boland, Girlfriend in a Coma